and then there were two…

A turn of events, a twist in the plot, a glitch in the matrix – whatever you want to call it, things have changed… “for good.” (Wicked? anyone?) I apologize – I don’t mean to sound so triumphant in it, but it is now down to just Brian and I for the NYC living sitch. The fact of the matter is we were looking for different things in an apartment than our third housemate, it was getting overly difficult to come to a middle ground, and we parted ways in everyone’s best interest. Now I’m reveling in the notion that the volume of my voice and my physical profile carry the same overt presence as Grace Adler; and that Brian and Will McFarland are equally fussy about their appearance and both look great in a size-too-small t-shirt. Maybe in the midst of our apartment fiasco, Will- I mean Brian, might come across Sandra Bernhardt’s perfect apartment? Okay- I’m lighthearted about the whole thing. We’re starting fresh as of tomorrow and hopefully we’ll find the perfect place soon!!! (Though I would be quite content with the set of Will & Grace!)

3 thoughts on “and then there were two…

  1. Ashley August 5, 2007 / 11:56 am

    Hmm… i definitely said “he’s fussy about his appearance” – LIVING PROOF! 🙂

  2. Christopher August 5, 2007 / 3:43 pm

    This was a hilarious read for me. Aw, Ashley, I miss you already! Any hunting updates? Let’s chat soon.

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